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Social Media for the Rest of Us
I heard an interesting statistic today that the smartphone sales accounted for only about 20% of all of the cell phones sold this past quarter. I was actually a bit…
New GelaSkins Give your iPad Protection as well as Personality
Putting a skin on your electronic device is nothing new. Just go to a mall or an electronics store and you can find a bunch of different products that wrap…
“Lose The Laptop” in 140 Characters or Less!
The next AT&T Lose The Laptop Challenge is upon me and it is all about Social Media. #LoseTheLaptop [99] For my first article for the Challenge, I’m going to try…
Altec Lansing’s inMotion Compact – An Innovative, Portable Speaker Solution
With Mother's Day just around the corner, I thought that I would do a quick review of the Altec Lansing inMotion Compact (iMT320) portable speaker as one of those great…
13+ Ways to Extend your iPad’s Battery Life
I have now been the lucky owner of an iPad for a little over an week now, and each day I'm becoming yet more attached to it. But this article…
The Ford Sync – a “Knight Rider” for the Rest
Remember way back in the 80's there was a TV show called Knight Rider where one of the two main characters was a car that talked to you and responded…
No AT&T iPhone Tethering Because of the Apple iPad 3G?
Is tethering ever going to arrive for AT&T and the iPhone? Rumor has it, it will be coming soon. We are a year later after there was an announcement that…
How to Become a Kid Again – Get a New
People have been searching for the Fountain of Youth for ever, the magic elixir that will keep them perpetually young. I hate to disappoint them, there really is no such…
My First Days with the 2010 Ford Flex – Beginning
I have not had a new car in over 10 years. And, I had always thought that American Cars were lagging behind foreign autos in so many ways: design, styling,…