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10 Reasons Why You Need a Smartphone when you Shop
I'm not really sure how we did it in the past. Shopping without a cell phone, that is. To me, if I even leave the house for any reason and…
Summer Road Trip & Travel Essentials: Kids & Family TV
I'm not quite sure how any of us made it through any roadtrips alive when we were children. Many of us, like me, didn't have air conditioning or built-in DVD…
WINNER – Jawbone ICON Father’s Day GIVEAWAY & Review –
I have always wanted a Jawbone ever since I read about the company and their Bluetooth headset products. It could be simply because I was sucked into their strong marketing,…
Keep Track of your Kids through Social Media & a
I have always been a big proponent against the use of Social Media by children, especially when they are in elementary school. Interacting with Social Media is not something you…
“From Douchebags to Dish Washing” – Cast of Dads Podcast
Well, we are no longer teenagers. That is to say, this Cast of Dads episode has pushed us out of the terrible teens and we now are almost at drinking…
My 10 Essential iPad Applications Thus Far
Ok, this is another one of "those lists." And for many people, this list of my top iPad applications is very subjective in nature. What I feel to be a…
The Ripple Effect of Social Media – Get Mobile for
We all know the well used imagery of throwing a stone into a pond and watching the ripples spread out from the center. The same imagery can be applied to…
Is “Touching” Ok? Hey, I’m Talking about Writing! Cast of
Hope that title grabbed you! The latest episode of the Cast of Dads podcast #19 is now live and is titled "Why Write It When You Can Touch It?" The…
iPhone App “Am I Done?” Answers THAT Exact Question When
Part of a parent's role is to ensure that your kids brush their teeth well, take a shower or bath, clean their rooms, or just simply wash their hands. Most…