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No AT&T iPhone Tethering Because of the Apple iPad 3G?
Is tethering ever going to arrive for AT&T and the iPhone? Rumor has it, it will be coming soon. We are a year later after there was an announcement that…
Renaming Cast of Dads Podcast #15 to the “iPadcast of
The Cast of Dads recorded podcast #15 ("iPad, Kindles & VCRs – Oh My!") the day the iPad was available to purchase. Only one of us (CC) actually had one…
SchlageLINK Gives You Security & Access, Even When You Aren’t
Keys are a pain! I have so many keys on my keychain that I feel like a locksmith and I'm not even sure what keys go to what lock. But…
The Dexim BluePack S3 & S8 – A Portable Battery
I've reviewed quite a few battery packs lately. It seems that this is the hot market currently just the way iPod cases were to iPods a few years ago. You…
How Can Such a Small Speaker Boom so HUGE? Reviewing
When I first hooked up the iLive IT319B 3.1 Channel Home Music System, plugged in my iPod and turned up the volume a bit, I was literally floored at how…
HyperMac Dazzles with Vibrant Colored Battery Assortment to Charge iPods,
A few months ago, I did a review of a HyperMac battery for charging and powering MacBooks, MacBook Airs and MacBook Pros. I found it to be an extremely useful…
Charge Your Gadgets Even When the Power is Out with
I spent a few hours at the MacWorld Expo 2010 and I saw a lot of innovative and cool products. But many of those devices were really only the "nice…
Hands-on Video: Parrot’s AR.drone – iPhone Controlled Quadrocopter Compliments their
MacWorld Expo 2010 kicked off yesterday but even before the Expo exhibit hall opened, I was having fun with a gadget that got a lot of hype at CES 2010…
Has Apple Peaked? Their Ego Sure Hasn’t!
As I prep for covering MacWorld Expo 2010, I decided to take a step back and truly think about Apple a bit more. It wasn't that many years ago that…