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An Apple “Beta” Is Exactly That, A Beta! (20+ Tips
If you are installing or planning to install Apple iOS & macOS beta software, you need to be prepared. Tips, tricks, and advice when installing these betas.
The iPhone 7 Plus Is All About Nuance
Apple’s latest flagship iPhone, the iPhone 7 Plus, is about nuance. Subtle & not-so-subtle design changes make it a powerful upgrade, but not for everyone.
Parents & Kids – Set Up Emergency Bypass on your
For parents & kids, it's critical to be able to connect via calls or texting. Setting up Emergency Bypass on iOS10 lets you get around "do not disturb."
Want those New Snazzy iOS 10 iMessage Backgrounds & Effects?
If you want those exciting and snazzy iMessage backgrounds and effects, you need to make sure you have one setting disabled. Here is how to do it.
Review: Pioneer AVH-4100NEX Retrofits Old Vehicles with New Tech like
Review of the Pioneer AVH-4100NEX which is an Android Auto and Apple CarPlay enabled dual-DIN deck to bring new technology to all vehicles.
How to Bulk or Selectively Delete Music from your iOS
How to bulk or selectively delete music from Apple iOS devices when you are running out of space on your iOS device. Tips to save storage.
How to Set Up OpenVPN with NETGEAR R8500 WiFi Router
How to set up OpenVPN with the NETGEAR WiFi router on a smartphone for secure connectivity on your own private network. Discusses iOS configuration.
How to Set Up & Sync your iTunes Playlist using
How to set up and sync your iTunes playlist to automatically copy between connected devices using the iCloud Music Library
How to Set Up a Portable Camping Theater with the
Camping purists may disagree with bringing tech, but here's a How-To for those who want to bring a portable camping theater using the AAXA P5 Pico Projector