New WordPress release (version 2.1) and other stuff

Once again, it’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been deep in “geek-dom” mainly related to Cell Phone. My wife’s old Blackberry (7100t) died so I got a Blackberry 8700c off of eBay and she is now up and running on that! It’s a great device actually. My biggest…

Once again, it’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been deep in “geek-dom” mainly related to Cell Phone. My wife’s old Blackberry (7100t) died so I got a Blackberry 8700c off of eBay and she is now up and running on that! It’s a great device actually. My biggest issues was a little trick that I forgot to do when re-flashing the device from a Cingular build to a Tmobile build. You have to delete the vendor.xml file in order for the install script to work. After that, it installs perfectly.

I, too, have been very involved with my own phone, Tmobile MDA (aka the HTC Wizard). A forum that I am frequently on is the xda-developers forum. So, taking the plunge, I have installed a “pre-release” of Windows Mobile 6 on my device and I must admit, it is really nice. Lots of new feature that are well done. It seems stable and much more reliable than other ROMs that I have installed, believe it or not. More about that later when I have time.

So, I guess that 2 days ago, WordPress released their next upgrade (version 2.1 – Ella, named for jazz vocalist Ella Fitzgerald). There seems to be some really nice improvements that I can’t wait to test out. Here are the highlights, directly from WP:

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* Autosave makes sure you never lose a post again.
* Our new tabbed editor allows you to switch between WYSIWYG and code editing instantly while writing a post.
* The lossless XML import and export makes it easy for you to move your content between WordPress blogs.
* Our completely redone visual editor also now includes spell checking.
* New search engine privacy option allows you take you to indicate your blog shouldn’t ping or be indexed by search engines like Google.
* You can set any “page” to be the front page of your site, and put the latest posts somewhere else, making it much easier to use WordPress as a content management system.
* Much more efficient database code, faster than previous versions. Domas Mituzas from MySQL went over all our queries with a fine-toothed comb.
* Links in your blogroll now support sub-categories and you can add categories on the fly.
* Redesigned login screen from the Shuttle project.
* More AJAX to make custom fields, moderation, deletions, and more all faster. My favorite is the comments page, which new lets you approve or unapprove things instantly.
* Pages can now be drafts, or private.
* Our admin has been refreshed to load faster and be more visually consistent.
* The dashboard now instantly and brings RSS feeds asynchronously in the background.
* Comment feeds now include all the comments, not just the last 10.
* Better internationalization and support for right-to-left languages.
* The upload manager lets you easily manage all your uploads pictures, video, and audio.
* A new version of the Akismet plugin is bundled.

I will be installing this over the next day or so…hopefully it won’t destroy my blog so fingers crossed on this. I guess that I will employ the age-tested motto of “measure twice and cut once” on this one (as well as RTFM). Off to backup my site now!

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