My wife has as Blackberry 7100t and the other day, it just “stopped” synching with the Desktop Manager (4.1). Basically, it would connect and then just hang when trying to do a weekly update. I got on the usual forums (pinstack, blackberryforums, howardforums) and did some futile searching. However I did find that there was recently a new release of the Blackberry Desktop (version 4.2) which seems to have some nice additions to it. I figured that by upgrading to this latest version it would resolve the sync issue…

…I was wrong.

So, after installing the update (it’s a big download…something like 40+MB), the same thing happened. So it was back to the forums to find out how to reset the BB 7100t. I didn’t want to wipe the device but then I came across a “fix” that is pretty generic across any device when you are troubleshooting…REBOOT. So I tried a regular power-off, and that produced no favorable results. So, then I decided to take the battery out. It was out for about 1 minute and then I put it back in. That is the equivalent on the BB of a cold reboot. The OS took some time to launch (lots of time watching an hourglass flip over and over) but then the phone was back up and running…and IMMEDIATELY synched without any issue. So problem solved!

In terms of the Blackberry Desktop Software 4.2, here are some highlights of things:

– Added a Media Manager tool – it allows you to transfer files between your computer and your BB (e.g., non-system files)
– Added a Switch Device Wizard – it allows you migrate data from another type of device (e.g., Palm or Windows Mobile) to a new BB. You can also transfer data from one BB to another using this tool
– Enhanced the Application Loader tool – preserves any software that you added wirelessly or through USB among other things
– Renamed Intellisync to Synchronize; Redirector renamed to Email Settings; you can now access Microsoft Exchange Settings from within
– Bug fixes (numerous)

Seems to have a slightly new UI as well. So far, it works as expected.

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