WordPress updated to 2.06

So, I updated my blog to 2.06…didn’t really notice anything that new or changed about it. According to wordpress.org, here is what has changed: We have a pretty important release available for everyone, it includes an important security fix and it’s recommended that everyone upgrade. This is the latest release…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
January 6, 2007

So, I updated my blog to 2.06…didn’t really notice anything that new or changed about it. According to wordpress.org, here is what has changed:

We have a pretty important release available for everyone, it includes an important security fix and it’s recommended that everyone upgrade. This is the latest release in our stable 2.0 line, which we’ve committed to maintaining for several more years.

Here’s what’s new:

  • The aforementioned security fixes.
  • HTML quicktags now work in Safari browsers.
  • Comments are filtered to prevent them from messing up your blog layout.
  • Compatibility with PHP/FastCGI setups.

For developers, there’s a new anti-XSS function called attribute_escape(), and a new filter called “query” which allows you filter any SQL at runtime.

I see that WP 2.1 is coming soon. I will see if I can get a copy of it and test my site out with it. I also took some time to update my plugins…I need to find a nice plugin update notifier…wonder if one exists.

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