But even though I was tied to our booth, I still had some fun. Some quick highlights of things that were happening:
- Scott Beale (LaughingSquid) had a fun run-in with the folks at the Google booth about taking pictures of the booth. They wouldn’t let him do it. But thanks to some quick twitters and a few emails, Google corporate PR contacted Scott as well as the booth personnel and everything was worked out. Google does NOT have a policy about people not being allowed to take photos of their booths it turns out. DOH!
- Twhirl was updated just in time for the conference. It is my pick for Twitter clients at the moment.
- Twinkle was updated in time for the conference as well. It’s one of the iPhone Twitter clients that I use on the iPhone (jailbreak required).
- Hahlo Beta 3 has been updated frequently (just figured I would mention another of my fav Twitter clients)
- Met briefly with Oren Michels, CEO of Mashery
- Talked with a ton of people. A couple of guys said that GoGrid was “the coolest thing they saw at the expo”
- Got our CEO on vator.tv (thanks Meliza) talking about GoGrid
- Physically met some people who I know on twitter
Ended the day with a conversation with iJustine. (My 3 girls think that was pretty cool…they are all at that Hannah Montana stage so iJustine seemed pretty great to them.) I must say, she really is a nice person. Hope to talk more to her tomorrow or Friday.
Oh…if anyone wants a $99 credit against a GoGrid account, come see me at the Web 2.0 Expo. We are in the Long Tail Pavilion. Hit me up on Twitter (hightechdad) or Facebook.
HTD says: Web 2.0 Expo is rockin’! Lots of great companies and people there!
iJustine is a sweetheart! Glad you got to meet her! I hope to one day. :)
iJustine is a sweetheart! Glad you got to meet her! I hope to one day. :)