Warning: Watch out for "Evacuation process…San Clemente Nucklear Power Station" email

Just a quick note. Watch out for an email coming in from various news sources (mine came from “foxnews” and a buddy’s from “google news” that claims there was an issue at the “San Clemente Nucklear Power Station.” This is most obviously a fake, especially if you are not signed…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
April 8, 2008

Just a quick note. Watch out for an email coming in from various news sources (mine came from “foxnews” and a buddy’s from “google news” that claims there was an issue at the “San Clemente Nucklear Power Station.” This is most obviously a fake, especially if you are not signed up to receive email notifications from news sources. (If you are, best bet it NOT to click on the link but rather to go directly to a news source to look for the story.)

This is what the email said:

Subject: Evacuation process has been started due to radiation leaks at San Clemente Nucklear Power Station.

Message: CNN, San Clemente, CA – Major Problems have been occured at San Clemente Nucklear Power Station – 20-year old circuit breaker fails to close, creating a 4,000-volt arc and fire. Possible radiation leaks on 100miles area. Evacuation process has been startedSee current videoclip

Note: I removed the videoclip URL but it looked like this: http:// usa7. admin41. us / news_report.php ? portal = 21bzkwcdyDedsgdjcnwOkhb [I added some spaces within the URL to be sure that you don’t click on it.

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There are some obvious red-flags here that show that this is fake:

  • Sender email – look at the domain “admin41.us” – that is NOT Fox News
  • Spelling errors – “Nucklear” – wow, that is a really bad spelling; “occured” – well, that should be “occurred”
  • Grammar errors – “have been occured” – no native English-speaking writer would compose a verb structure like that; “leaks on 100mile” – bad preposition
  • URL – doesn’t point to a news source. Most news stories would have their domain within the link
  • Accuracy – California has nuclear power plants in San Luis Obispo and San Onofre, not San Clemente.

I have not personally clicked through the link (and I don’t recommend that anyone do so). I got a sample from a friend and their URL is a bit different. If anyone knows more about this (or has clicked through the link, post a comment.)

HTD says: Watch out for this one!

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