Pheedo to Feedburner Synergy, at last!

I’m not sure what happened but after a few phone calls with the Director of Publisher Relations at Pheedo (thanks Jeff), deleting and recreating feeds and possible DNS issues at my hosting provider, it seems that my feeds are now working again, and feeding each other. To refresh on the…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
May 25, 2007

I’m not sure what happened but after a few phone calls with the Director of Publisher Relations at Pheedo (thanks Jeff), deleting and recreating feeds and possible DNS issues at my hosting provider, it seems that my feeds are now working again, and feeding each other. To refresh on the concept, unfortunately I was unable to “qualify” yet for Feedburner feed ads (who knows, maybe later I will as my traffic grows) so I discovered Pheedo as a possible other ad provider. See my previous post about the issues.

Anyway, this time around, the steps worked properly (we did exactly the same thing, so maybe it was recent DNS issues at Dreamhost). This is what you have to do:

  1. Get a FeedBurner account (be sure that you download and install their plugin for Wordpress)
  2. Get a Pheedo account
  3. In Pheedo, set up a “Purple” account set up the first feed (pulling from your blog). For me, the feed source for my blog is: .
    Then set the name for your Pheedo feed. Mine is:
  4. Now go to your FeedBurner account and set up a new feed using the source as your Pheedo feed. My new FeedBurner feed is
  5. That “should” be it.

So, now I have ads being served by Pheedo but my feed is being tracked, enhanced and published Feedburner.

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Boy, I’m getting hungry with all of this talk about feeds and feeding. So, if you see an ad in my feed, CLICK ON IT please!

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