New Job: Technology Evangelist for ServePath

It has been a few weeks since my last post and quite a lot has happened with my professional career. First through, apologies to my regular readers for not having posted anything as of late. Hopefully I can return to this soon. However, for those interested, the company that I have joined, ServePath, has chosen me to help them navigate the blogosphere and social networking arena.

What is a Technology Evangelist you ask? You can see this description on Wikipedia for a bit of a framework. I expect to follow that as a guide but build it into something more. I have always believed that my strength has been the ability to understand and communicate both ends of the technology business spectrum between Sales/Marketing and Development/IT. Often you find people who are good at one end but not necessarily at the other. Over the years, I have worked hard to increase my knowledge of both sides of the equation. My background is neither Technology nor Marketing as I was an English and Comparative English major in college. However, over time I have amassed a fairly comprehensive understanding of various types of technology, more breadth than depth however, and I have worked in Marcom, Internet Audience Development and obtained a Marketing Certificate program at UC Berkeley. My goal at ServePath is to go deeper into the Technology and expand the reach of communication both inbound and outbound.

It is really about passion! As you can see from this blog, I’m passionate about technology. My wife calls it “the other woman” and frequently has to compete for time with it. With this new job as Technology Evangelist, I am blessed with now having this be my full-time job. This blog started as a simple outlet for me to be able to write about my technology endeavors and to hopefully help people with technology issues that they might have been having. (More about why I blog here and here.) I also felt the need to showcase things that I thought would benefit them in some way. Reviewing much of the feedback on this site has given me the impression that I am helping some people and this make me happy.

So now what? Well, I will be expanding my online presence more, getting involved with more Social Networking aspects of Corporate America and hopefully propelling ServePath up through the clutter, developing new communities and resources for our clients and prospects and providing an engaging environment for our end-users to thrive.

A bit more about ServePath… ServePath is a company about technology, specifically server hosting (dedicated, collocation, Grid computing, virtualization and streaming media). The most exciting thing coming out shortly is the release of our new GoGrid product. Everybody within Tech knows about Virtualization, with big players like VMware and Parallels being names on the Desktop Software environment. And hosting providers are abundant on the web…so, when you merge the two, you get a product like GoGrid which essentially is a virtualized server environment. With less than a week under my belt here at ServePath, I’m really wowed by this offering. Demos that I have seen from our Development team are really slick. The ability to create new web and DB servers on-the-fly, load balance them and deploy, all completely automated and done within “minutes” is an extremely powerful offering. The product launch is forthcoming…within days.

What will I be doing? I will be launching a corporate blog for ServePath shortly, as well as some other tools designed to promote social networking within the ServePath community, so look for that. In the meantime, if you have questions about what GoGrid is, what ServePath does or Technology Evangelism, post a comment.

HTD says: It’s good to be back blogging again! Be sure to check out GoGrid!

4 Responses

  1. Wow, that sounds like an awesome new job! Congrats! GoGrid sounds cool.


    PS: Your audio captcha is super scary to listen to… like horror movie soundtrack.

  2. Wow, that sounds like an awesome new job! Congrats! GoGrid sounds cool.


    PS: Your audio captcha is super scary to listen to… like horror movie soundtrack.

  3. @ Zach,

    Thanks. Yeah, GoGrid will be great. I will be writing more about it in the coming weeks.

    Funny, I have never listened to the reCaptcha audio…might have to do that now!


  4. @ Zach,

    Thanks. Yeah, GoGrid will be great. I will be writing more about it in the coming weeks.

    Funny, I have never listened to the reCaptcha audio…might have to do that now!


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About HighTechDad

Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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