Loving this new WP theme!

This is really a nicely designed theme. It has a series of built in Sidebar widgets, clean implementations of style guides and all sorts of nice eye candy. It also has built in paragraph classes for specific tags. The site is located here. It seems to have quite a following.…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
February 23, 2007

This is really a nicely designed theme. It has a series of built in Sidebar widgets, clean implementations of style guides and all sorts of nice eye candy.

It also has built in paragraph classes for specific tags.

The site is located here. It seems to have quite a following. I’m slowly starting to get some of my old customizations back but they are very finicky.

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Please let me know if you encounter any weirdness! I am trying to iron out all of the bugs and wrinkles.

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