Fix It: HemingwayEX without UltimateTagWarrior in WordPress 2.3

As mentioned in my previous post, in order to speed things up on my blog, I have removed the UTW (UltimateTagWarrior) plugins. Unfortunately, the theme that I use (and subsequently modified) relies on UTW for a lot of things. One of these was causing issues for users coming from a Google search related to Tags. For example, if you Google “techdadblog tag Apple“, my theme was returning the following error on this URL:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function utw_showcurrenttagset() in /home/ on line 16

So, within that file (tag.php), the line in error is (line 16):

<h1>Tag: <?php UTW_ShowCurrentTagSet(‘tagsetcommalist’) ?></h1>

To make it work with the new WordPress 2.3 tagging structure, I simply changed that line to:

<h1>Tag: <?php single_tag_title(‘Currently browsing “‘); ?>”</h1>

Which gives me a display of Tag: Currently Browsing “Apple” which is exactly what I wanted. There is some more code further down on the page that would have shown “related tags” however it is contained within an “IF” statement that checks the dependency on whether UTW is present or not. So, since it isn’t, the “related tags” section does not display.

The other issue that I wanted to correct was adding a tag list within my Single Post page template. This one you will have to do yourself as I have added other items to my navigation items. But basically, what you want to add is the following within the section that looks like the left information under “About this entry”:

<dd><?php the_tags(”); ?></dd>

And this will show the tags that you have entered using the new WP 2.3 tagging options for that particular blog post.

These are very easy fixes to do. There are probably other references that I haven’t come across yet though. If you have any questions, drop me a comment.

HTD says: Get your HemingwayEX theme dialed in for WordPress 2.3 without UTW!

1 Response

  1. I recollect checking out some thing concerning this last month declaring that this wasn’t the truth, just cannot seem to find the web page link.

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