Blog updated to WordPress 2.1

You are now viewing my site on WP 2.1. It was a relatively painless upgrade (following the instructions on…but I use the term “relatively” very loosly. When I first tried to run the upgrade script, I got an error (that I had seen before): Warning: main(/blahblahblah/wp-content/ advanced-cache.php) [function.main]: failed…

You are now viewing my site on WP 2.1. It was a relatively painless upgrade (following the instructions on…but I use the term “relatively” very loosly. When I first tried to run the upgrade script, I got an error (that I had seen before):

Warning: main(/blahblahblah/wp-content/
advanced-cache.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /blahblahbla/wp-settings.php on line 69

where “blahblahblah” was the path within my server. I remember deleting a symbolic link when I was putting the files on the server. Well, that is what caused the chaos. However, it was not easy to figure out how to recreate the link since the item that the link went to, no longer existed.

As it turns out, the fix was very easy. Since one of the files that you do NOT delete is that of the wp-config.php, an old plugin reference was being called, even though it was not in use. What you do to fix is simply edit your wp-config.php file and either delete or comment out the line:

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define(’WP_CACHE’, true);

and then save your wp-config.php file and run the upgrade utility again. Then you are golden. So, for those search engine spiders, here are some keyword (which will hopefully help people find this solution): [tags]wp-settings.php, wp-config.php, advanced-cache.php, wp-cache, no such file, line 69, failed to open stream, wordpress 2.1 [/tags]wp-settings.php, wp-config.php, advanced-cache.php, wp-cache, no such file, line 69, failed to open stream, wordpress 2.1.

After I successfully upgraded…I updated all of my plugins so things should be working as expected now. The new version itself looks pretty good. I like the toggle between Visual and Code when writing a Post or Page. Spell checking is good (but I used to rely on the built-in spell checker that was in Firefox (doesn’t seem to work now though). Autosave is a great new feature too! I haven’t tried too many other of the new features yet but everything as a whole seems a bit snappier in load time.

Thumbs up on this upgrade so far!

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