Blog: New tweaks to my WordPress Theme now live!

Well it has been a long night but a few beers later, I think that I have some things that I like. CSS has never been my strong point, nor some of the newer HTML tags (I’m a bit too used to seeing “div” and “class” and “id” for now!)…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
September 22, 2007

Well it has been a long night but a few beers later, I think that I have some things that I like. CSS has never been my strong point, nor some of the newer HTML tags (I’m a bit too used to seeing “div” and “class” and “id” for now!) So, before I go to bed, here are a couple of tweaks that I have added:

  • “Open Navigation” now works with FireFox 2 using JQuery (and seems to work fine with Safari and IE as well)
  •  Twitter added in a new box at the top (was battling CSS to make this all work, someone who knows it probably would laugh at me for taking this long to do it)
  • Slide scrolling enabled for going between the top section and the bottom section. Click it, it’s pretty neat!
  • Previous and Next posts added when viewing an article (the theme that I was using didn’t have it so I added to the “About this entry” section
  • Lijit Search now added to the bottom section (Lijit is a nice searching service). It didn’t want to work with my upper navigation section for some reason.
  • Other minor CSS spacing tweaks

With that, I guess I can get a couple of hours of sleep now. I just couldn’t leave things hanging.

Let me know what you think of the tweaks and if you encounter any issues!

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