Word games for kids when waiting or traveling

One of the blogs that I frequent has a nice repost of another blog. Being a father of 3 lovely girls, we do lots of traveling by car. While the DVD player that we have is great (I don’t know how I survived as a kid…kids these days are soooo…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
December 20, 2006

One of the blogs that I frequent has a nice repost of another blog. Being a father of 3 lovely girls, we do lots of traveling by car. While the DVD player that we have is great (I don’t know how I survived as a kid…kids these days are soooo lucky), there is something to be said about good ol’ fashion word games to create a nice dialog. Of course, the older your kid gets, the more likely they are to slip away into an iPod daze…but it is worth a shot while you still have their attention (somewhat).

Blogger Gretchen Rubin has a great post on some easy word games that you can use while traveling or waiting in line (e.g., to see Santa…yeah right, like kids have enough of an attention span during the holidays). I will definitely try these out the next time I have a chance. It’s really good to engage the brain before it goes too mushy during the holiday vacation!

Here are the first three examples:

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This or That: would you rather eat a hotdog or a hamburger? would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?

Imaginary Bedroom: ask your child to imagine the perfect bedroom, complete with magical features.

Who Am I?: one person describes himself or herself as a familiar character—Wilbur, Hermione, Shrek—and the other person guesses the identity.

I would definitely recommend reading her post for some more word (and paper) games. Get those kids brains going!!!

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