While Mother’s Day has come and gone, and yes, all of the Cast of Dads were able to plan ahead to treat the moms (and wives) of our lives to their special day, we do have a “Mother’s Day Special” after the day went by. And, this episode marks a great milestone for the Cast of Dads – we have a sponsor (Motorola and their new Android RAZR). Let me cut to the chase here – we are GIVING ONE AWAY! All that you have to do is listen to this podcast and then head on over to this episode of the Cast of Dads website to enter. We put the RAZR to the test during Mother’s Day and talked all about it, as well as other Mother’s Day festivities. Alas, we couldn’t use the RAZR for shaving but heck, that could be coming someday! A true “dad’s smartphone!”
We are also calling this a special episode because not all of the Cast of Dads were present. Max was out sailing with his son – what a cool and special occasion! But we covered a lot of other really fun topics – can you say trains, home movies, graduations, getting back to nature and scuba diving? We never know what direction the podcast will go, and that’s what makes it fun!
And thanks again to Motorola for sponsoring this episode. In fact, I’m using the Wifi tethering option to write this post!
The Topics
Here are some of the topics we covered in this Special Mother’s Day Episode:
- Max is at sea
- Boat side BBQ with Jeff & Max
Enter to win a new Motorola RAZR
- Rotary dialing apps – Android & iPhone versions
- Retro phone handsets
- How we celebrated Mother’s Day
- Watching home movies
- C.C. goes to National Train Day (photos)
- Chapman kids first time in NYC
- Jeff’s son graduates from Berklee School of Music
- Off the grid time
- Yearly activity traditions with our kids
- Disney or Club Med sure would make great sponsors
- Virgin Galactic
- Deliverance
- Scuba Diving
- By land, sea, train, plane or spaceship
The Audio
As always, the full podcast is available on CastofDads.com and on iTunes. You can also listen to the podcast here: Cast of Dads – Special Episode “Mother’s Day Special”.
Requesting Feedback
If you have questions or ideas for topics that you would like us to cover (remember, between all of us we have 13 children ranging from newborns to young adults), just send us an email to [email protected] or tweet us at @CastofDads! Also, our podcast listener base is growing! If you are interested in sponsoring our podcast for an episode or a month, be sure to contact us! If you are interested in sponsoring this podcast, please leave a comment on the Cast of Dads site, send an email to castofdads@gmailcom or leave a question/comment on my Contact form.
Cast of Dads is a group of podcasting and blogging dads who gather to gab about fatherhood. The cast of dads includes C.C. Chapman , Jeffrey Sass , Max Kalehoff , Michael Sheehan , and Brad Powell , who collectively represent 13 kids from the youngest of babies to full grown adults. Each of them brings a unique perspective to being a father.
HTD says: Be sure to enter to win the Motorola DROID RAZR! And Happy Mother’s Day to the Moms out there – without you, we wouldn’t exist!