TechDad on the Road

I have always wanted a personalized license plate ever since I was a child. I begged my parents to get one when I was a kid. That didn’t work. So this year I decided to take the plunge. It was a lot less expensive than I would have thought and…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
July 28, 2008

I have always wanted a personalized license plate ever since I was a child. I begged my parents to get one when I was a kid. That didn’t work. So this year I decided to take the plunge. It was a lot less expensive than I would have thought and I basically got it for myself for Father’s Day, with my daughters’ approval, of course (they were pretty excited). Now I can check that item off of my to-do list.


For those who don’t get it, I will break it down for you.

  • I wanted it to say “TECHDAD” but that was taken (but it actually worked to my advantage – see below)
  • I changed the “E” to a “3” for a couple of reasons:
    • l33t – or leetspeak. The techies out there will appreciate that one.
    • I have 3 daughters

The rest is history (grin).

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HTD says: if you see my old green Honda Accord with it’s peeling paint with that lisence plate, honk and give me a wave!

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