I have always wanted a personalized license plate ever since I was a child. I begged my parents to get one when I was a kid. That didn’t work. So this year I decided to take the plunge. It was a lot less expensive than I would have thought and I basically got it for myself for Father’s Day, with my daughters’ approval, of course (they were pretty excited). Now I can check that item off of my to-do list.
For those who don’t get it, I will break it down for you.
- I wanted it to say “TECHDAD” but that was taken (but it actually worked to my advantage – see below)
- I changed the “E” to a “3” for a couple of reasons:
- l33t – or leetspeak. The techies out there will appreciate that one.
- I have 3 daughters
The rest is history (grin).
HTD says: if you see my old green Honda Accord with it’s peeling paint with that lisence plate, honk and give me a wave!
That is so awesome! I never got around to getting my plate customized, but I think that's gonna have to be upgraded from my Someday/Maybe list :)
That is so awesome! I never got around to getting my plate customized, but I think that's gonna have to be upgraded from my Someday/Maybe list :)
Thanks! Yeah, I'm not sure who was more excited, me or my girls. They kept bugging me about it and when it would arrive. Now they just love it!
Thanks! Yeah, I'm not sure who was more excited, me or my girls. They kept bugging me about it and when it would arrive. Now they just love it!-HTD
Kevin T.
Nice! Personalized plates are a little more spendy than I'd like here in Minnesota, so for now I'm stuck with the regular old state-issued design. But if I ever decide to go the personalized route, your break down provides plenty of inspiration.
Kevin T.
Nice! Personalized plates are a little more spendy than I'd like here in Minnesota, so for now I'm stuck with the regular old state-issued design. But if I ever decide to go the personalized route, your break down provides plenty of inspiration.