Sony, Ford and NYC Auto Show Videos from the Cast of Dads Roadtrip

A few weeks ago, Ford and Sony invited the Cast of Dads on a really cool experience – a road trip from Boston driving a 2011 Ford Explorer down to New York International Auto Show. Unfortunately both Max and I were not able to attend, but Jeff, CC and Brad…

A few weeks ago, Ford and Sony invited the Cast of Dads on a really cool experience – a road trip from Boston driving a 2011 Ford Explorer down to New York International Auto Show. Unfortunately both Max and I were not able to attend, but Jeff, CC and Brad produced a ton of content from the excursion. I posted an article & video that they recorded “on the road” from the Ford Explorer…and the content continues to roll in. This article recaps some of the other video content captured by the Dads on the trip.


For starters, Jeff, Brad and CC spent some time with Sukhjit Ghag from Sony to discuss technology in the family and every day life. The Dads and Sukhjit talk about:

  • SMS enabled washing machines
  • smart banking
  • family calendaring
  • VisaBuxx
  • phones becoming keys to the car
  • kids evolving into the “touch generation” of devices
  • creating 3D content
  • and much more.

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The Dads also chatted with Ford’s Scott Monty and discussed not only cars and Ford, but also:

  • meeting your spouse in a Ford
  • defining horse power
  • road trip entertainment
  • road side dining
  • no limits when on road trips
  • eating in the cars
  • summer vacation plans
  • air traffic controllers
  • “range anxiety” for electric cars
  • heat & cold testing of electric cars (Focus Electric)
  • solar power
  • and even more!

The video below starts at about 1:10 minutes in.

And lastly, Jeff, CC and Brad shared their thoughts on the New York International Auto Show with topics such as:

  • talking to Ford and Sony executives
  • a quick look around the the Auto Show
  • how design has changed with vehicles
  • family entertainment within the vehicle
  • bringing experiences into your car
  • level of comfort increasing
  • planning your navigation the day before & sending it to your vehicle

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I hope you enjoyed all of this. I was sorry not to be able to attend but I definitely thank both Sony and Ford for their attempt to get ALL of the Cast of Dads members together. With that, I will leave you with Brad Powell enjoying a “ride”. Doesn’t he just look like a kid here?


(image source: Jeff Sass)

Disclosure: Ford & Sony covered travel expenses and gave CC Chapman, Jeff Sass and Brad Powell press access to the auto show. They were provided with a Ford vehicle to drive from Boston to New York. All thoughts, words and anything else we say is totally our own opinions.

Cast of Dads is a group of podcasting and blogging dads who gather to gab about fatherhood. The cast of dads includes C.C. Chapman , Jeffrey Sass, Max Kalehoff, Michael Sheehan, and Brad Powell , who collectively represent 13 kids from the youngest of babies to full grown adults. Each of them brings a unique perspective to being a father.

HTD says: What will be the next fun content-creation event for Cast of Dads?

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