The Cast of Dads recorded podcast #15 (“iPad, Kindles & VCRs – Oh My!“) the day the iPad was available to purchase. Only one of us (CC) actually had one to play with, but the rest of the Cast of Dads definitely had a lot
The iPad and many other devices that have recently been introduced are truly changing our perspective on many things. Even our children are being affected by advances in technology. Children of the future probably won’t be picking up books as much as in the past when we were children. This is both a good and bad thing. There is something to be said about curling up with a – gasp – physical book on a chair somewhere and simply reading. Is the experience the same now with eBook Readers? Is this something that we are simply going to be forced to accept? Does depriving your child of new technology help or hurt them? Does it remove the creativity and stifle the imagination or does it prepare them for the future?
In Episode #15 of Cast of Dads, we discuss this and a whole lot more, including:
- Media, Pennsylvania
- THE iPad
- Modern Family’s episode long Apple Ad
- iPad vs. iDad
- Netflix streaming
- Kindle vs. everything
- Kids & Tools
- Panelfly
- Dr. Seuss apps
- The future of books
- Interactive Literature vs. Imagination
- Kids buying music
- iTunes LP
- YouTube, the music browser of choice?
- Gangster Wiggles
- VCRs
- Tape Recorders
- Will kids have a tangible device that they talk about and remember back to?
- “T-Shirts are the future….”
If you have questions or ideas for topics that you would like us to cover (remember, between all of us we have 13 children ranging from newborns to young adults), just send us an email to [email protected] or tweet us at @CastofDads! Also, our podcast listener base is growing! If you are interested in sponsoring our podcast for an episode or a month, be sure to contact us!
As always, the full podcast is available on and now on iTunes. You can also listen to the podcast below:
Cast of Dads – Episode #15 “iPad, Kindles & VCRs – OH MY!”
If you are interested in sponsoring this podcast, please leave a comment on the Cast of Dads site, send an email to castofdads@gmailcom or leave a question/comment on my Contact form.
Cast of Dads is a group of podcasting and blogging dads who gather to gab about fatherhood. The cast of dads includes C.C. Chapman, Jeffrey Sass, Max Kalehoff, Michael Sheehan, and Brad Powell, who collectively represent 13 kids from the youngest of babies to full grown adults. Each of them brings a unique perspective to being a father.
HTD says: Are we going to have GPS’s embedded in our kids in a few years? Is too much monitoring bad for your relationship with your kids? Let me know.