“Pitching the Tent Both Ways” – Pre-pre-Father’s Day Cast of Dads Podcast #22

It’s really odd but for some reason, the Dads of Cast of Dads are much more talkative on the weekend. Perhaps because Episode #22 (“Pitching the Tent Both Ways”) was recorded on a Monday, we were a bit punchy and off our game. Or were we? You will have to…

It’s really odd but for some reason, the Dads of Cast of Dads are much more talkative on the weekend. Perhaps because Episode #22 (“Pitching the Tent Both Ways“) was recorded on a Monday, we were a bit punchy and off our game. Or were we? You will have to listen in to decide for yourself. One topic that we discussed early on in the podcast was Jeff Sass’ and my trip to Portland, OR to visit Intel for a day-long summit called “Upgrade your Life” (which I will be writing about soon). Jeff and I gave a quick overview of the summit and our thoughts on it.


We never know the direction the podcast will take though as we shot through a series of topics from “the best gift for Father’s Day” to new cell phones like the Sprint EVO and iPhone 4. For me, graduation was top of mind as my youngest was graduating from kindergarten (sad that I no longer have a kindergartener) and my oldest is moving to middle school and my middle daughter is bumping up to 3rd grade. How time flies!

The Topics

Here are the other topics we hit in Episode #22:

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The Audio

As always, the full podcast is available on CastofDads.com and on iTunes. You can also listen to the podcast below:

Cast of Dads – Episode #22 “Pitching the Tent Both Ways”

Requesting Feedback

If you have questions or ideas for topics that you would like us to cover (remember, between all of us we have 13 children ranging from newborns to young adults), just send us an email to [email protected] or tweet us at @CastofDads! Also, our podcast listener base is growing! If you are interested in sponsoring our podcast for an episode or a month, be sure to contact us!

If you are interested in sponsoring this podcast, please leave a comment on the Cast of Dads site, send an email to castofdads@gmailcom or leave a question/comment on my Contact form.

Cast of Dads is a group of podcasting and blogging dads who gather to gab about fatherhood. The cast of dads includes C.C. Chapman , Jeffrey Sass , Max Kalehoff , Michael Sheehan , and Brad Powell, who collectively represent 13 kids from the youngest of babies to full grown adults. Each of them brings a unique perspective to being a father.

HTD says: With Father’s Day right around the corner, do you have any messages to give your dad?

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