More Funny Car Videos: “Mom My Ride” & the “Swagger Wagon”


On Wednesday, I posted a couple of funny advertisements coming out from Nissan. It turns out, obviously, they aren’t the first to do this. A co-worker, and mom, pointed me to a couple of other really funny videos that are specifically focused on “the family mini van.” These two particularly hit “home” with me as we have a mini van (2001 Honda Odyssey) that definitely fits into these scenarios shown in the videos. The videos “Zima – Mom My Ride” and “Swagger Wagon” by Toyota really made me laugh.


Swagger Wagon” is particularly well done. It’s a catchy tune, but when you listen to the lyrics, they will make you laugh! I really enjoyed how there is a “pause” in the video (hint: there’s a toilet flush!). Here’s the video in all of its glory:

Great, isn’t it? Very polished…not like my mini van at all which is dirty, scratched, and dented.


Which leads perfectly to the next video called “Mom My Ride“. Modeled after a GREAT show that I used to watch called “Pimp My Ride“, you see what a mini van REALLY looks like after your kids have lived in it for a few years. I really wish that someone could “pimp MY ride” (which definitely needs it!). Watch the mini van transformation below:

I really started relating when I saw the duct tape repair, mainly because just the other day, I was doing some “repairs” on our mini van with some duct tape. The scrape guard in the front underbody had detached a bit from the bumper and that is where duct tape comes to the rescue! Luckily our Odyssey’s paint color is silver which blends perfectly with my duct tape repair.

Anyway, I thought that I would share a bit of automobile humor.

HTD says: What are your favorite car ads or family auto videos? Please leave a comment!

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Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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