HighTechDad Does the ALS “Ice” Bucket Challenge – #IceBucketChallenge

The ALS #IceBucketChallenge has been spreading like wildfire across the Internet and honestly, I think it is brilliant. Supposedly, it wasn’t even a campaign thought up by the ALS Association which is a non-profit organization working to fight Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Regardless, the…

The ALS #IceBucketChallenge has been spreading like wildfire across the Internet and honestly, I think it is brilliant. Supposedly, it wasn’t even a campaign thought up by the ALS Association which is a non-profit organization working to fight Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Regardless, the #IceBucketChallenge has done wonders to raise awareness of the disease as well as the organization and even charitable donations and activities in general.


The Cold Water Challenge has actually been around for a long time and recently made the jump to promote awareness of ALS. The idea is simple, viral and shows exponential growth. A person is challenged by someone else and within 24 hours of being nominated, they must either post a video doing the challenge and nominating other people or donate to the ALS Association. In some cases, people who have been doused by ice water should donate $10 to ALS and those who elect not to get drenched, should donate $100. In other cases, some people say that just by filming and posting the chilly drenching, they don’t have to donate and the mere posting of the video acts to spread the word.

To date, the ALS Association has received over $94 million in 30 days because of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Our family elected to donate as well as post videos.

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Here is my video of the ALS “Ice” Bucket Challenge with help from my 3 kids (also available directly on YouTube):

[youtube http://youtu.be/B5i6-XiQ_Ks]

For your amusement on some of the “better” ALS Ice Bucket Challenges out there, here are some for inspiration (or what to avoid):

What are your favorites?


And even if your aren’t tagged, be sure to donate to the ALS Association (or another charity if something fits better with your feelings).

HTD says: Sparing a little bit of money or time for a charity can go a long way!

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