Ford & Sony Bring “Cast of Dads” Members Together (Almost) – “Family Road Trips”


I’m encouraged that big brands out there are starting to listen. There is a difference between simply pushing your product traditionally, and using real voices, people and opinions to create stories around these products and brands. The first is a traditional method that frequently gets lost in the clutter of all of the other brand chatter out there, and the second is a way for brands to create compelling, unique content that is more approachable and realistic to the consumer. Recently, Sony and Ford invited all of the Cast of Dads members (CC Chapman, Brad Powell, Jeff Sass, Max Kalehoff and me) out to Boston and then to New York City for a “brand and dads get together”. Unfortunately, Max and I couldn’t attend due to scheduling conflicts, but CC, Brad and Jeff were able to participate in a quite unique brand experience.


(photo source: CC Chapman)

The idea was that the dads would all meet up in Boston, then drive a Sony-equipped Ford Explorer down to New York City to then see a private concert with the band Train and then go to the New York International Auto Show. But what is really important here is that Sony and Ford worked together to make this happen. It’s rare to get large brands such as these actually thinking “outside of the box” and looking at ways to produce an experience. Neither Sony nor Ford had any involvement in the rich content that would be created from the road trip or other events, but it was a perfect occasion for CC, Brad and Jeff to really shine. I truly wish that I could have been there to experience it and participate. Perhaps next time!

[iframe_loader width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]

Obviously, the Cast of Dads are big content creators, with a wide range and variety of content at that. For example, you should definitely check out Jeff’s and CC’s photostreams from the road trip and subsequent events that they attended.

My takeaway from these events is this, given the rights brands, the right people and the right opportunities, brands and content creators can work hand in hand for not only their own benefit, but also bringing relevant subject mater to a variety of audiences in a unique way. Just watch the video above for an example – “Family Road Trips.” (In fact, I just got back from a family road trip of my own recently.) We still have yet to get all of the Cast of Dads together in one place. It’s pretty hard to do given our crazy family and work schedules. I applaud and thank both Sony and Ford for making this first big effort in doing this. And I hope that other big brands are out there watching, listening and learning from what these two leaders did.

Disclosure: Ford & Sony covered travel expenses and gave CC Chapman, Jeff Sass and Brad Powell press access to the auto show. They were provided with a Ford vehicle to drive from Boston to New York. All thoughts, words and anything else we say is totally our own opinions.

HTD says: Who will be the next brand to attempt to get the Cast of Dads together finally after 2 years?!

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Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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