Cast of Dads: Podcast #6 – “Truckers (and others) Love Technology!”

On Episode #6 of the Cast of Dads podcast titled “Truckers Love Technology,” we spent much of the podcast answering a question sent in by a daddy trucker (“Jokerman” by his handle). Jokerman had some questions about technology specifically from a driver’s perspective. When I think about it, I simply…

On Episode #6 of the Cast of Dads podcast titled “Truckers Love Technology,” we spent much of the podcast answering a question sent in by a daddy trucker (“Jokerman” by his handle). Jokerman had some questions about technology specifically from a driver’s perspective. When I think about it, I simply could not live with my daily dose of various podcasts, so I must think about those who make their living behind the wheel and how the podcast must be something of great importance. It’s cheaper than satellite radio and very targeted – you get just the particular audio content that you are desiring. I’m glad the we have gotten the attention of at least one truck driver and hope that others follow suit.


Here is what Jokerman wrote (and, by the way, you can send in your own questions or comments via email to [email protected] or send us a tweet to @CastOfDads):

Dear C.O.D

Hello, how are yall ? I really enjoy the show and it’s about time there’s a show for us dads! Unlike the 4 of you, I’m new to the tech world (lol) although I could possibly help any of you drive! I go by the name of Jokerman as I’m a OTR truck driver, and yes, I’m a proud dad of a 13 year old teen and a 3 year old, both boys . I recently got an iPod Touch and (lol) there aren’t many fellow truck drivers that are tech savvy like yall! Could the C.O.D. do a show to catch some of us up on iPods, MP3’s and the reader/tablets to catch those of us non-techies up ? Thank all of you for the show and keep up the good work !

Signed Your Listener

Well, we at the Cast of Dads LOVE listener feedback and questions so we did this particular podcast for you. There are a variety of topics covered, but not just limited to truck drivers. Anyone who likes technology, drives/commutes or just wants to hear our thoughts on helpful gadgets for the road should listen in. Here are the topics we covered:

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As always, the full podcast is available on and now on iTunes. And be sure to follow Cast of Dads on Twitter at: @castofdads. You can also listen to the podcast below:

Cast of Dads – Episode #6 “Truckers Love Technology”

If you are interested in sponsoring this podcast, please leave a comment on the Cast of Dads site, send an email to castofdads@gmailcom or leave a question/comment on my Contact form.

Cast of Dads is a group of podcasting and blogging dads who gather to gab about fatherhood. The cast of dads includes C.C. Chapman, Jeffrey Sass, Max Kalehoff, Michael Sheehan, and Brad Powell, who collectively represent 13 kids from the youngest of babies to full grown adults. Each of them brings a unique perspective to being a father.

HTD says: Be sure to subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes and give it some comments & ratings! And send us some questions!





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