iFrogz EarPolution CS40 Headphones – Get Your Beats On!

I have been searching for some comfortable headphones for my pre-teen daughters. We started with some iFrogz Tadpole headphones (below) which were really great when my daughters were little…but as they got bigger, so did their heads…in more that one way. Size wise, we needed something to accommodate their expanding…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
April 12, 2010

I have been searching for some comfortable headphones for my pre-teen daughters. We started with some iFrogz Tadpole headphones (below) which were really great when my daughters were little…but as they got bigger, so did their heads…in more that one way.


Size wise, we needed something to accommodate their expanding craniums. And, on the flipside, they REFUSED to wear anything that wasn’t stylish or that looked like it was “made for babies.” Our littlest fashionista, who is SO into iCarly and “looking hot” really want to be stylish when she watched movies or listened to music, so unfortunately, the Tadpole headphones “just wouldn’t do.” This is where the iFrogz EarPolution CS40’s come into play.


Yes, she’s only 6 but wow, just try asking her to wear something that is for a 5 year old or younger and it is suddenly the end of the world! So she is pretty happy and feeling “hip” wearing the EarPolution CS40’s…and she really likes the hot pink color too.

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Let’s talk about the things that are good about these headphones:

  • They are small
  • They are lightweight
  • They fold up quite compactly
  • They are stylish
  • They are very comfortable (I tried them)
  • They come in PINK (for my daughter)
  • They produce quite good balanced sound

While I’m not a huge audiophile, I do know what does or doesn’t sound good. Typically, you have to pay a premium to get a dynamic yet balanced sound response. You don’t want your music to sound mushy or have highs/lows blending or beating one or the other out. I tried the CS40’s out on a few songs and it sounds pretty good. I did, however, find that the bass was a bit stronger and tended to disrupt the rest of the music. I changed the equalizer settings to have slightly more treble to try to even out the bass. Once I did that, the sound quality was good. They are so light-weight that you barely notice them on your head, and the ear padding is so soft, it feels like a pillow.

Some quick specs on the CS40’s:

  • Driver Unit: 40mm
  • Impedance: 32 ohms
  • Sensitivity: 120dB+/-3dB
  • Frequency Response: 30Hz to 20 KHz
  • Cord Length: 1.2M
  • Plug: 3.5 mm

Here is what they look like folded up.


They might look a bit “kid-like” on an adult, but for younger kids, tweens and even teens, these are a pretty good set of headphones to get. Do note that they do rest on your ears (I personally like headphones that don’t touch your ears but rather cup around them).

And you can’t beat the price of $39.99. On Amazon, these range between $18 – $40ir?t=tec06 20&l=ur2&o=1 - HighTechDad™ depending on the color. There are a variety of colors you can get as well (blue, white, black red and, of course, pink):


Disclosure Text : I have a material connection because I received a gift or sample of a product for consideration in preparing to write this content. I was/am not expected to return this item or gift after my review period. More information can be found in my About page as well as here.

HTD says: These little headphones can take a beating (my kids are proving it) and they look good in the process and you can beat that! So get some iFrogz EarPolution CS40’s to pump those beats to your ears!



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