Hmmm, What Wine to Choose? The Kendall Jackson App Can Help You Decide

I love drinking wine…but I’m not in any way an expert. (Well, I am an expert at drinking, just not choosing!) My wife is actually the one who is part of numerous wine clubs and is often the one who gets our wine. Or, I get some recommendations and bottles…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
December 10, 2012

I love drinking wine…but I’m not in any way an expert. (Well, I am an expert at drinking, just not choosing!) My wife is actually the one who is part of numerous wine clubs and is often the one who gets our wine. Or, I get some recommendations and bottles from my dad who actually has a wine refrigerator and who pre-buys lots and catalogs all of his wines. So I was intrigued when the Kendall Jackson winery approached me to look at their new iPhone and Android app called “K-J Recommends.”

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If you are a big KJ fan or someone who is relatively new to the whole wine buying experience, you might want to check out this new app. Here’s a quick walk-through.


The app is broken down into three main sections: Get Suggestions, Visit Us and Food and Wine.

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Clicking on the Get Suggestions is the portion that I found to be the most interesting. You can obviously get wine ideas from the KJ experts, or reach out to Facebook to get some ideas as well (either from fans or magically from your own Facebook profile – not quite sure how that process works).


Clicking on the “From Our Experts” brings up a very easy to use wizard that provides you with wine ideas based on the Occasion, Time of day, the Mood of the event and your wine Preference.


I selected “Friends,” “Evening,” “Happy” and “Either” as my choices and K-J Recommends gave me the following wine idea.


I do like a good Cab so I will definitely have to check this selection out!


You can also choose the “Food & Wine” section to help you decide on a KJ option based on the color of your food. I thought this was an interesting (and simple) way too choose wine. As you slide your finger around the color bar at the bottom, you are provided with options. Clicking on a wine will give you some details.


As every wine actually has a distinct flavor (e.g., “hints of blackberry” is a phrase I have have heard often), you can dial in your selection that way.


I also tried the suggestion based on my Facebook profile. The Vintner’s Reserve Pinot Noir is what the app came up with.


Of course, it is always good to crowd-source some selections so the K-J Recommends app lets you see what KJ fans recommend on Facebook. It gives you some overall recommendations based on Facebook Likes and Comments.


Then you can click through any of the recommendations to see details as well as Facebook comments about a particular wine.


Overall, if you are looking for an easy-to-use app that will quickly give you recommendations on wine (Kendall Jackson wines, of course), you should download this mobile app. The app is free to use but obviously, you need to be 21 years or older to consume alcohol (at least in the US). Please drink responsibly and get a designated driver if you are drinking.


Disclosure Text : I have a material connection because I received a gift or sample of a product for consideration in preparing to write this content (specifically some wine samples). I was/am not expected to return this item or gift after my review period. All opinions within this article are my own. More information can be found in my About page as well as here.

HTD says: Kendall Jackson makes choosing their wine a mobile snap with their new iOS and Android applications! Cheers!

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