Get Freedom from Pollen this Spring with the Honeywell HPA-150 HEPA Tower Allergen Remover


With Springtime comes change. Hills start getting greener, trees start having leaves emerge from their dormant branches, flowers start opening, eyes start getting scratchy, noses start running, sniffles replace tabletop conversation, sneezes disrupt the normal flow of life. Yes, with Spring comes pollen and allergies. It’s pretty hard to get away from it unless you live in a desert or the arctic or on the moon, or magically aren’t bothered by allergies.

When Spring rolls round in our household, the share price of Kleenex and allergy medicine consequently goes up! We all have varying levels of allergies in our household, ranging from fatal peanut allergies that my youngest has, to general cat allergies to dust particles and finally including the massive pollen of spring and summer.

I think that our kids would not be surviving the spring if not for the help from some Honeywell filters. Up until a few weeks ago, my wife and I kept alternating which of my kids’ rooms held the Honeywell HTT-145 (see my review of it here). The problem is, all of my kids (and my wife and I) were all suffering pretty badly from allergies, and to cap it off, my oldest daughter is asthmatic. We needed to have a really strong solution for her room.

That’s where the Honeywell HPA-150 came into play as the savior from dust, pollen and air-born allergens. The HPA-150 is a true HEPA filter that is in a form factor that works in just about any room. The dark color blends into the room and the tower design make it be able to be placed just about anywhere.


The true HEPA filter of the HPA-150 gets up to 99.97% of all floating particles like pollen, smoke, dust and pet dander. It can capture specks as small as 0.3 microns from the air that passes through the filter. For particles larger than that, there is a carbon pre-filter that helps remove other odors found around the house.

The filter is extremely easy to use, there are 3 simple fan settings: low, medium and high. At the low setting, you can barely hear the fan as it is extremely quiet. At the medium setting, the noise of the fan is still extremely low and barely noticeable. And at the high setting, you definitely hear the fan, but it is not overpowering. For night-time, if you use a sound machine, the medium or high level provide, I believe, enough white noise to drown out ambient noise (which is a plus for kids sleeping – especially in our household).


Putting in and replacing the filters is also a no-braining. The back of the unit comes off and you simply remove the 2 filters and replace them with new ones. There is also the pre-filter that you can simply clean yourself using some water and letting it dry. You need to replace the HEPA filter 1 time a year (about a $40/year cost – but compare that against Kleenex and allergy pills).


HighTechDad Ratings

So, how well does the HPA-150 work? Well first of all, lets talk about my kids using it. All that they have to do is turn the knob to turn it on or off. It couldn’t be easier. Secondly, the unit seems to be fairly safe, no fingers to get chopped off by a spinning fan blade. But lastly, how well does it filter the air? Before using the HPA-150, my oldest daughter was pretty plagued by her allergies, coupled with asthma. So, we put the HPA-150 into her room and closed the door and let it run on high before she went to bed. Then when she went to bed, we left it running on medium the entire night. The next morning she definitely seemed to be less congested. When I asked her how she felt, she told me that she had actually slept better. I realize that this is not scientific, but ensuring that my children sleep well is important.

We now use the HTT-145 in one room (saving the noses and eyes of 2 kids) and the HPA-150 in another. And it seems to be working well.

The HPA-150 has a retail price of $199.99 and you can currently get it on Amazon for $136.67 which makes it, in my opinion, quite a good deal. Now if my wife and I can just get one for our room!

EASY TO GEEK FACTOR – is the device easy to get up and running
FAMILY FRIENDLY – does the device fit well into family environments
RECOMMENDABILITY– would I recommend it to others (more means “yes”)
PRICE POINT – does the price reflect the product function
OVERALL – my general rating

Disclosure Text : I have a material connection because I received a gift or sample of a product for consideration in preparing to write this content. I was/am not expected to return this item or gift after my review period. All opinions within this article are my own. More information can be found in my About page as well as here.

HTD says: Why suffer though allergy season when you have Honeywell to help you out with their HEPA filters like the HPA-150 or the HTT-145!


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About HighTechDad

Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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