Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead Vacuum – Review & Dog Does Unboxing Video

I was going to be very cliché and have the title of this review of the Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead cordless vacuum be…”this vacuum sucks” or “yet another sucky vacuum from Dyson” but I figured that has probably been overplayed and over used. And anyway, we all know that…

I was going to be very cliché and have the title of this review of the Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead cordless vacuum be…”this vacuum sucks” or “yet another sucky vacuum from Dyson” but I figured that has probably been overplayed and over used. And anyway, we all know that Dyson vacuums are known for the vacuum power, even as the dirt collection canister fills up…the “sucking power” still remains strong. But what happens when you couple that Dyson power with battery power? Is the vacuum still strong enough? Read on to learn more.


There are a couple of things that plague traditional cordless vacuums: the lack of vacuum power and power-fade as the power going to the motor drops off. But before I review some of the features of the new Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead vacuum, I wanted to share my “un-boxing” video (which is also available directly on YouTube), and our dog, Rufus (shown above) plays a little role:

[youtube http://youtu.be/Hb4Igk5z7UQ]

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The video above shows how easy it is to assemble and get up and running with this new Dyson cordless vacuum.

Power and more Power

Dyson addresses the power questions mentioned above in a couple of ways. Traditional hand-held cordless vacuums (which do cost significantly less) truly don’t have that much power. If you pay more, the vacuuming power does increase though. According to Dyson, the Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead is more powerful than some of its competitors, particularly against traditional corded upright vacuums even.

The DC59 has been re-engineered to be smaller and faster than other types of vacuum motors. It delivers 350W of suction power when cranked up. Below is the exploded view of the motor in the DC59 Motorhead:


Just like other Dyson vacuums, this cordless version uses their cyclone technology design to truly capture all dust particles via centrifugal actions. The digital motor spins up to 110,000 times a minute.


On the other power side, is the battery driving the cyclone engine and the motorized vacuum heads. It’s a manganese-cobalt battery. Once the battery is fully charged, which can take an hour or two, you can get up to 24 minutes of full-powered vacuuming. And when the battery runs out…it runs all the way until the end and then simply drops off. Essentially, it gives you full power until it doesn’t have anything else to give.

Features of the Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead vacuum

The Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead vacuum comes with a variety of attachments including:

  • Mini motorized tool
  • Combination tool
  • Crevice tool
  • Battery charger
  • Removable wand
  • Docking station

There is also a long tube which can be used or not. Without the tube, you can easily vacuum sofas or hard to reach spots. With the tube attached, the vacuum becomes more like a traditional upright vacuum.


The direct-drive motor turns the bristles of the tool to fully pull the dirt from carpets or floors. There is also a wall-hanging docking station for easy hanging and charging of the DC59.


There is a button on the top which allows you to boost the sucking power (it does affect the length of the batter though). The length of the charge depends on both the type of attachment you are using and if you are using the “boost mode.” Essentially:

  • Using either of the two motorized attachments gets you about 16 regular vacuuming time or 6 minutes in boost mode
  • Using the non-motorized attachments like the crevice or smaller brush attachment gives you about 20 minutes regular vacuuming or 6 minutes in boost mode

Every month, you do need to clean the filter which you can do by simply removing it and washing it under a tap and then letting it air dry for 24 hours.

HighTechDad Ratings

It’s important to remember, with Dyson products, you will be paying a premium price for their technology. I have been using a Dyson DC25 for many years around the house. It too, is pricy, currently on Amazon for over $500. But, you are paying for superior cleaning power and design, even when the bag-less dirt container gets full, you still have full vacuum potential. The Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead vacuum is no different. It has similar design features and functions as other Dyson upright vacuums and has plenty of vacuuming power.

Apart from the price, the only other complaint that I have is the short vacuum time between charges. The DC59 is really meant for those quick jobs in hard to reach places where cords can’t go, like odd places in the house or in the car. But if you can do your cleaning job in 6-20 minutes, the DC59 Motorhead might be a good choice. Also, there is no way to lock the power trigger in an “on” position so your finger can get tired from holding it on. But this is by design so that you don’t waste power.

EASY TO GEEK FACTOR – is the device easy to get up and running
FAMILY FRIENDLY – does the device fit well into family environments
RECOMMENDABILITY– would I recommend it to others (more means “yes”)
PRICE POINT – does the price reflect the product function
OVERALL – my general rating

The Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead vacuum retails for $549.99 and you can currently get one on Amazon for about the same price (over time, it will probably come down in price but since this is a new product, the savings on Amazon is minimal).

Disclosure Text : I have a material connection because I received a gift or sample of a product for consideration in preparing to write this content. I was/am not expected to return this item or gift after my review period. All opinions within this article are my own. More information can be found in my About page.

HTD says: Dyson vacuums really “suck” – literally. The DC59 Motorhead vacuum has not only good “sucking” power, the fact that it is cordless makes it incredibly useful.

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