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Old Fashioned Content Delivery About New Fashioned Technology – Scholastic
I usually write about technology and gadgets. Anything bright and shiny really gets my attention, so much so, that I have little to no time to read books as most…
How To Create a “Work” Menu Like Office 2004/2008 in
While I truly like Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac (you can see my review of it here on the Microsoft Office for Mac Blog), there are some folks who have…
Take a Piano With You Wherever You Go With The
When I was young, I played the piano. I was ok at it, did plenty of recitals and learned enough over 5 years to be able to still do some…
Get Freedom from Pollen this Spring with the Honeywell HPA-150
With Springtime comes change. Hills start getting greener, trees start having leaves emerge from their dormant branches, flowers start opening, eyes start getting scratchy, noses start running, sniffles replace tabletop…
Behind the Scenes: Filming My LG Techorating Home Entertainment Living
It's been a few months now since LG contacted me to find out if I was interested in participating in a head-to-head competition with another "daddy blogger." It wasn't a…
Using Cloud Computing to Test, Develop and Innovate
Are you using cloud computing yet? If so, that's great. If not, what is holding you back? Do you know enough about it? Do its capabilities confuse you? Have you…
Get Those Cleaning Supplies Out & Roll Up Your Sleeves
It's Springtime! Leaves are appearing on the trees, the sun is starting to gain dominance over the rain, and my eyes are teary, not only from the pollen in the…
How To Fix Adobe Fireworks Hanging After Launch on MacOS
Adobe Fireworks is the lifeblood of many web developers, artists and bloggers so when it stops running, I envision all of these groups running around like chickens with their heads…
Just How Weatherproof & Rugged is the Samsung Rugby Smart
You know that if you expose your smartphone to water, most likely, you are going to damage it. And, on top of that, you will probably void your warranty with…