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To Boldly Go Where No MSP Has Gone Before
I'm a big Star Trek fan. I have watched reruns of the original Star Trek series many times over. I liked Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space Nine, and, most…
Multiple Uses Make the LG 23ET83 Touchscreen Monitor a Winner
My family always seems to get excited when a new piece of technology arrives…well, at least I do. My goal has always been to see how technology can be best…
Staples Provides Tools for the Next Great American Novel
A few weeks ago, I was asked if I wanted to get some products from Staples to write about. Sure, I said, thinking it would be a box of paper…
It Can Wait – Texting Ends Lives – #ItCanWait Campaign
Technology is a great tool when used properly. But as it becomes ever prevalent in our day-to-day lives, it can move from being simply useful to life-ending. With all of…
Capture, Store and Use the Sun’s Power Easily with GoalZero
I love solar energy. And I guess my dog loves it as well - basking in it to stay warm. The sun is seemingly a limitless source of power. It…
Remote, Programmatic Home Automation at its Best – the Belkin
Home Automation and Remote Controls are cool. Really cool. Think back to the days of The Clapper (which you can still buy, by the way). Clap on, clap off. We…
Using the Sun to Power your Gadgets & Light the
If you look up into the sky, assuming it's sunny and daytime, you will see a vast energy source that is incredibly untapped - the sun. Solar power technologies have…
Wake Up! Mother’s Day is Almost Here!
In case you didn't know it already, Mother's Day is right around the corner. Heads up to daughters and sons everywhere, it's time to think about the person who hopefully…
Did You Miss Us? We’ve Been Licking Lemon Ant Butts!
Yep, we're baaaack! Have you ever tried to organize the lives of 5 busy dads who are dispersed across the country and time zones? The image of herding cats comes…