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How the Brydge Keyboard Transforms an iPad Mini into a
Review: the bluetooth-connected Brydge keyboard can transform an iPad Mini, Mini 2 or Mini 3 into a MacBook practically, and it even has backlit keys!
HighTechDad’s 2015 Tech Gift Guide of Reviewed Products
This is HighTechDad's 2015 Tech Gift Guide of products that have been reviewed by Michael Sheehan (HighTechDad) during 2015.
Parent & Child Drones, Drone Safety Tips & Parrot Bebop
Review of the Parrot Bebop & MiniDrone as well as drone safety tips. The MIniDrone is ideal for learning & teaching while the Bebop is more advanced.
I Almost Fell for this Google Docs Phishing Scam! Watch
Watch out for this Google Docs Phishing Scam as it looks very legitimate. I almost fell for it. Here are the warning signs and what to look out for!
Twelve South BookBook iPhone Case Review – Made For Book
Review of the Twelve South BookBook iPhone case which looks like a vintage, antique book but provides protection and security to your iPhone.
Ding Dong: Ring Doorbell Brings Wireless Video & Voice to
Review of the Ring doorbell which gives you a motion detection video camera with 2-way voice dialog and a doorbell that rings anywhere you are connected.
Sphero Ollie: Getting In Touch with your Rollie Pollie Dark
Review of the Sphero Ollie Darkside - a bluetooth controlled programmable robot that you can drive indoors and out. Do tricks, change colors, spin and more.
PSA: Watch Out for United States Treasury Telephone Scam
Watch out for a telephone scam supposedly from the United States Treasury. It's not! Tips to avoid falling victim to a telephone scam.
Review: Schlage Sense Secures your Door without Keys
Review of the Schlage Sense - an iOS-connected, motorized touch-screen security dead bolt with a backlight keypad.