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An Open Letter to Parents Picking Up Kids from School
An Open Letter to parents who drive or pick their children up from school. Some advice to take or leave as parents see fit.
Solartab Review: Tablet-Size Battery Packing Power from the Sun
Review of Solartab - a tablet-sized solar portable battery charger with two USB output to allow for charging of 2 devices on the go.
Upgrading my Logo…On my Belt Buckle…Done by FosterWeld
A few years ago, FosterWeld made me a custom belt buckle with my logo. I just got the custom buckle upgraded with great results.
Online, It’s Really All about “Me” So Protect It –
Nowadays, developing a digital reputation is critical, but just as important is its maintenance. #MentorME campaign aims to show how key this is.
How to Set Up a Portable Camping Theater with the
Camping purists may disagree with bringing tech, but here's a How-To for those who want to bring a portable camping theater using the AAXA P5 Pico Projector
“His” or “Her” Cross Pens – A Valentine’s Day Dilemma
Cross pens provides a way to match a writing instrument with the personality and use case of the receiver, matching style with function.
Run Internet Connections through Electrical Power with NETGEAR PowerLine (PL1000)
Want to create an easy network for computers or other devices with almost no configuration/wiring? Try the NETGEAR PowerLine for plug-and-play connectivity.
Adding a Nightlight is a Snap with the SnapPower Guidelight
Looking to add an automatic, cost-efficient & permanent nightlight that requires no wiring & doesn't take up a plug? Check the SnapPower Guidelight out!
A Device to Secure ALL of your Connected Devices –
Internet of Things devices need security as do other devices within your home network. Bitdefender BOX has a new hardware approach to provide security.