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Getting Saucy on Cast of Dads Episode #45 “Dads CAN
We had quite a few topics stewing to be discussed on Cast of Dads Episode #45 "Dads CAN Cook Even When Sauced". For starters, we had a conversation about a…
R.I.P. Steve Jobs – Your Inspiration Lives On
When Steve Jobs spoke, people listened. When he innovated, markets changed. When he had an idea, it was perfect. And now when he quietly leaves this world, we remember his…
The Schizophrenia that is Netflix…er…Qwikster…uh…Netster…QwikFlix?
I have been a Netflix user for many many years. My account says 2007 but I actually started my service before that time, stopped and then restarted it. My family…
“Mother Nature is in a Bad Mood” – Cast of
Ok, school has started for most of us and I realize that we have some homework to do. That is, the Cast of Dads do since we seem to be…
There’s an Ocean of Knowledge Out There, Be a Sponge!
What is filled with holes but still holds water? Yes, you got it, a sponge. Sponges are pretty amazing creatures. They live and grow in the water, and when they…
10 Things Steve Jobs Has Done for Parents
With Steve Jobs announcing that he will be stepping down as CEO of Apple, I took some time to reflect on how Steve and Apple have impacted my life as…
100+ Voices Unhappy About Honda Clear Coat Paint Peel Defect
I normally don't like complaining about companies or their products. Sure, all things that we purchase have issues or will have problems over time. But when it comes to expensive…
“ESV” Really Stands for “Entertainment System Vehicle” – 2011 Cadillac
There seems to be some confusion about what the ESV means in the name Cadillac Escalade ESV. Some people on the Cadillac forums have said "Escalade Stretch Vehicle" or "Extended…
10 Ideas for Facebook Parental Controls and What You Can
Facebook needs parental controls - although I will bet that if you ask kids between the ages of 13 and 16, they would say that it definitely does NOT need…