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iGear Unlimited Flip Turn Case & Keyboard: Make your iPad
I always recommend getting a case for your tablet or smartphone. It's important to protect your investment. Sometimes, however, a case can go beyond providing simple protection, it can give…
Fantastic Fitbit Force is a Healthy Upgrade to the Flex
There is quite a rage going on now around wearable computers and devices, and Fitbit has been leading the charge of producing gadgets you wear that track your activity. A…
“OnStar? I’d Like to Get a Tour of Detroit!” #ConnectedByOnStar
Now I get it. Now I understand why so many people choose GM vehicles like Buick. It's because these vehicles come equipped with OnStar. OnStar is like having your own…
When is a Tablet Not a Tablet? When It’s A
I have had my fair share of experience with a variety of tablets ranging from iPads to Samsung 10.1 tablets to a Sony and even a Blackberry Playbook. It seems…
Watch Out SnapChat Users! SnapHack App Can Now View &
SnapChat has always, in my opinion, been a controversial app. It has a very simple model, you can take pictures and photos and send them to friends and these multimedia…
Is K-12 the Appropriate Place to Teach Children about Copyright
I remember back in the 1980's (ok I'm dating myself) when my friends and I used to make mix-tapes and music compilations and shared them amongst ourselves. It was a…
Weighing in on the Withings Smart Body Analyzer WS-50
Recent advances in personal technology are allowing individuals and families to get better analysis of their health progress or lack there of. From wearable devices that track your movement to…
Is Storage Trendy? Or Just Following a Technology Trend? Top
Ok, I know. Talking about storage solutions or what the top storage trends are is not exactly the #1 topic on people's minds. In fact, I would say that we…
Will You Pledge to Not Text and Drive? Do It
For the past couple of months, I have been writing and talking about the national campaign where you pledge to not text and drive. It's called It Can Wait (the…