How to Pre-Populate Twitter Status Updates the NEW Way via Links & Web Intents

About a year and a half ago, I posted a “How To” article to teach people on how to tweet out messages from your website via a URL or web link. Unfortunately, that method no longer works as of a few days ago. Twitter has updated the process for doing…

About a year and a half ago, I posted a “How To” article to teach people on how to tweet out messages from your website via a URL or web link. Unfortunately, that method no longer works as of a few days ago. Twitter has updated the process for doing this. However, I now have the NEW way to do this which seems to be working just fine.


Twitter recently moved over to its Web Intents platform and what that means is that buttons (yes all of those older “Tweet” buttons are broken) and link that use the old query string that I outlined in my previous how-to article are broken and will not let you tweet out your messages. GASP!

The new Web Intents method is actually an improvement, in my opinion, and allows for more interactivity. If you aren’t logged in, for example, you will be asked to log in.

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How To Pre-Populate Twitter Statuses the NEW Way

Ok, first a bit of history. If you want to read on how it used to work, just read my old post.

The new way is just as easy to craft actually.

To tweet out a message like this:

“I learned the NEW way of how to pre-populate Twitter statuses at: Thanks @hightechdad”

You would simply code the link to look like this:

Go ahead, test it out now! –> TWEET IT

However, you still need to use an HTML character for hashtags (#). To do that, use “%23” for # – without the quotes.

To tweet out this message, for example:

“I learned the NEW way of how to pre-populate Twitter statuses at: Thanks @hightechdad #cool”

You would use the following code:

Go ahead, test it out now! –> TWEET IT

Of course, there are other ways of doing this and the Web Intents page has a lot of fairly easy to understand documentation on other creative things you can do with the new query process. I only wanted to demonstrate the fundamentals here.


You can do a lot by encoding links to pre-populate Twitter statuses to help socialize your content whether is it simply content on your website or embedding them in a white paper. Twitter has made this process even better now with this new method. Let the creativity begin!

HTD says: Be sure to share this article via Twitter!