How to Fix Apple Mail Not Saving Passwords – Keychain First Aid

Recently I was plagued with having to repeatedly enter and re-enter my passwords on some of my email accounts using Apple Mail. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. I would get asked to enter when sending email from a certain account as well as when…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
June 23, 2009

Recently I was plagued with having to repeatedly enter and re-enter my passwords on some of my email accounts using Apple Mail. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. I would get asked to enter when sending email from a certain account as well as when trying to receive email from a completely different email account. Other email accounts seemed to work just fine. The Mail application just didn’t seem to want to remember my passwords even though I clicked “Remember this password in my keychain” every time.


It turns out that to fix this problem, there is a very easy thing that you can do. While I cannot guarantee that it will work for everybody, it did work for me just fine. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Utilities folder and launch the Keychain Access application
  2. Under the Keychain Access menu, select: Keychain First Aid

  3. The Keychain First Aid screen will launch:
  4. Enter in your User Name and Password (this is the name that you use to log into your account or install applications on your Mac). If you haven’t set a password for your account, shame on you! When you are done with this fix, DO IT!
  5. Select Verify and click the Start button to check how all of your various keys check out. If there are any issues, they will be noted in the lower panel. Since I recently repaired my keys, the verification passed, saying “No problems found” (note: I blurred out some of the information): Keychain_verify_2
  6. If any errors appear within the Verification pane (they will be in red I believe), simply select the Repair item and click Start. The repair process will run and hopefully correct any issues. Be sure to review the screen for details.
  7. Do the Verification process again just to be sure.
  8. Quit out of Keychain Access program
  9. Launch your Apple Mail application.
  10. Enter in any passwords that you are prompted for. Be sure to check the “Remember this password in my keychain” box.
  11. Exit Mail.
  12. Re-launch Mail and see if you are prompted for passwords as you were in the past. You shouldn’t be prompted again.

I hope this worked for you. If it did (or did not), please leave a comment as to what did (or did not) work.

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HTD says: Don’t you just LOVE passwords? I do, when I don’t have to remember them! (GRIN!)

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