It must be Monday. I must be tired. And I shouldn’t operate heavy social media tools for a while. Today I mistakenly associated Rafe Needleman with TechCrunch, an error that Rafe did not let pass by un-noticed. My job as Technology Evangelist gets me connecting with many people around the world as I try to promote my company, the products and the industry. Unfortunately today, I make the error of not “measuring twice and cutting once.”
While Rafe used my blunder to post a “goofy” story, as he said, I don’t take it lightly. Thus, my public flogging through this blog post.
I too have tried to follow the Campaign for Love & Forgiveness and am trying to let my blunder go.
Sorry Rafe!
HTD says: When pitching products or companies, accuracy check before doing anything!
1 comment
I have the same problem! I was intending re- installing I Tunes. Surely the problem must be in the installation? Am I wrong?
Jack Rose