How To Fix “The Required File Cannot Be Found” Error When Syncing an iPhone or iPod Touch

Every since I had to restore my iPhone 4 from a backup, I have been having a pesky error message popping up each and every time I would sync my iPhone with iTunes on my Mac. It cryptically said “The iPhone [insert your iPhone name here] cannot be synced. The…

Every since I had to restore my iPhone 4 from a backup, I have been having a pesky error message popping up each and every time I would sync my iPhone with iTunes on my Mac. It cryptically said “The iPhone [insert your iPhone name here] cannot be synced. The required file cannot be found.” Nothing more. No error message to search for. Nada. A quick Google search on that error, however, produced some good results, and, in the end, fixed my issue, so I figured I would share and prevent future head-pounding-on-the-desks from others.


The fix is incredibly easy. Essentially, your Photo Cache may have become corrupted and you simply need to delete it.

Here are the steps (for the Mac – I’m not sure if this issue exists for Windows users):

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  1. Close iPhoto on your Mac.
  2. In the Finder, go to your HOME folder.
  3. Open the PICTURES folder.
  4. Navigate to the file called “iPhoto Library“:
  5. Right-click on that file and choose “Show Package Contents“:
  6. Within the Package Contents folder, find and right-click on the file called “iPod Photo Cache” and select “Move to Trash“:
  7. Empty your Trash.
  8. Close the Package Contents folder.
  9. Re-sync your iPhone.

The entire process takes about a minute or two and should resolve the error. If you still have it, there may be another issue going on and you may have to uninstall iTunes and reinstall it. Or, worst-case, you may have to reformat and restore your iPhone…but try the easy stuff first!

The fix is easy, but PLEASE let me know if it worked for you!

HTD says: Always happy to be of service to the tech community! They helped me and I’m spreading the love.

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