HighTechDad Wants to GIVE You an HP TouchSmart 600 for FREE! Here’s how…

First of all, I’m jealous. I really like being able to actually play with the technology that I write about. It’s important for me to understand what make things tick and if I like them or not and then write about it. So when I was approached to give away…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
December 8, 2009

First of all, I’m jealous. I really like being able to actually play with the technology that I write about. It’s important for me to understand what make things tick and if I like them or not and then write about it. So when I was approached to give away an HP TouchSmart 600 to one of my readers, I started trying to come up with some sort of a crafty way to make myself the winner. But that would be unethical now, wouldn’t it! So, one of you reading this is going to be the lucky recipient of, from what I can tell, is a pretty stellar piece of computer hardware.

ENTRIES ARE CLOSED! Voting is taking place HERE between December 14-17, 2009.

Note: I have received some feedback that people just don’t have the “creative powers” to write a Holiday Song or Poem. (Also, my wife simply told me that it was too hard & too much work!) So, bowing to the pressures that are upon me and to hopefully make this a bit easier, I have slightly loosened up the “creative writing” part of the entry! Read down for more details. You can thank my wife for this (grin)!

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So before I get into the giveaway, I should probably tell you about this slick looking machine. Treat this as a quick “virtual review” since I have not physically laid my hands on it (although I was tempted to head over to my local Best Buy to get some quick hands on so that I could be a bit more educated in my assessment of this device). So anyway, after reading through the literature and watching some of the product demo videos, here is what really grabbed my attention:

  • Touch Screen – this computer is actually really fun. You can be like Tom Cruise in the Minority Report as you move images and items around your screen just using your fingers. Of course, you can also use a mouse and keypad, but there are custom applications provided by HP that are designed to work with the touch screen.
  • Elegant Design – I like Apple’s iMac because it is easy to make it presentable without wires. Well, HP not only does that with the TouchSmart 600, it does it with elegance. The mouse and keyboard are wireless, freeing your workspace from clutter. There is even a built-in ambient light that illuminates your workspace at night.
  • Windows 7 – must say, I really like Windows 7 a lot more than Vista. With this computer, HP and Microsoft worked together to really showcase the power of the touchscreen. For more information, I would take a look at these 5 Microsoft apps which are supposedly quite good on the TouchSmart:
  • Multimedia-enabled – with a 23 inch 1080p HD widescreen, this computer will pretty much replace a TV in your house. Add Blu-Ray and touch-enabled versions of Hulu, Netflix and Rhapsody and your have a full feature entertainment center.
  • Stellar Specs – here are the specs of what I believe is the device that I’m giving away (I don’t have it in hand, the PR firm does, but I have been told that these are the specs):
    • Windows 7  Home Premium
    • 64-bit Intel Core 2 Duo Processor P7450 (2.13 Ghz)
    • Memory – 4GB – PC3 DDR3-1333 SODIMM
    • Graphics Card – NVIDIA GeForce GT230M w/ 1GB dedicated graphics
    • Display – Touch enabled 23″ Full HD 1080p LCD
    • Hard drive – 750 GB 720 RPM Serial ATA hard drive
    • DVD – Blu-Ray & SuperMulti DVD Burner
    • Networking – 10/100/1000Base-T, Bluetooth, Wifi 802.11 b/g/n
    • More details here

    Some more pictures:

    HPTouchSmart_back HPTouchSmart_side

    This is a view of the touch interface, specifically the Netflix application which is fully touch-enabled.


    Now that I have you drooling, here’s what you have to do to try to get an HP TouchSmart 600 via this giveaway!

    About the Giveaway

    Since this is such a “big ticket” item, I’m going to make you all work for this a bit and there will be multiple parts to this giveaway. The first part is the actual entry and the second part is the general public voting for the finalists to choose a winner.

    The Rules

    First some rules (sorry I have to draw the line somewhere):

    • US and Canada Residents Only
    • Must be over 18 to “enter”
    • HP or PR firm will handling shipping to a mailing address (no PO Boxes)
    • You MUST include a way for me to contact you in your entry
    • No multiple entries allowed (I will find out if you are trying to game the system!)
    • During the voting, please don’t try to up the votes dishonestly, I will find out!
    • I reserve the right to add/modify the rules or process mid-giveaway if warranted (e.g., for abuse or clarification or to answer any questions)

    And NO, you DON’T have to follow me on Twitter for this giveaway. I don’t believe in artificially raising my follow count through gimmicks!

    With that aside…on to the fun stuff!

    PART 1 – ENTRY

    Here is how Part 1 (ENTRY) is going to work:

    1. PICTURES: Post some pictures of YOU next to or holding your current (crappy) computer to Flickr or Picasa Web Albums or some type of photosharing service with keywords/hashtags:
      • #HTDHPgiveaway
      • #HPtouchsmart
      • #hightechdad
      • a link to this post (if possible)
    2. WRITING: Leave a comment on THIS blog post. You must take a popular Holiday Song (e.g., Jingle Bells) or Poem/Story (e.g., Twas the Night Before Christmas) and change it to include at least one HP Touchsmart feature AND the word “HighTechDad” in it.
      **NEW** Write 4-6 sentences on WHY you deserve to win this computer. Give me sob stories, beg, plead, make me laugh!
      Include a link to your “crappy” computer picture in step 1 above in your comment.
    3. PROMOTION: Promote this webpage (and YOUR comments) on any of the following sources:
      • Twitter – tweet this: “Win a FREE HP TouchSmart 600 from @HighTechDad . Visit his site for details: https://www.hightechdad.com/HTDHP” TWEET THIS NOW by clicking here.
      • Forums
      • StumbleUpon
      • Digg
      • YahooBuzz
      • Facebook
      • Blog Post (link to this post AND HP Touchsmart site)
      • Etc.

    Timeline for Entries – from December 8th, 2009 when this post is live until December 14th, 2009 at noon (Pacific Time). Comments will be closed after that deadline.

    REMEMBER: YOU MUST INCLUDE A WAY FOR ME TO CONTACT YOU: In your comment post, include your email address and/or twitter account or some way that I can notify you if you are the winner.

    The more sources, the better your chances at winning. I have a super secret algorithm that I will use to check up on your efforts (grin). Actually, I’m kidding about that. But, by promoting this page, YOUR entry gets more exposure and that is important because of Part 2 (VOTING).


    Once the Entries are closed, I will choose what I feel are the top 10. I will be looking for creativity, humor, the biggest “sob story”, and/or uniqueness as well as how well you promote the giveaway. I will then post a new article with the 10 entries and YOU will vote for the winner on that page. This is where you need to get your friends, family and coworkers involved. Voting will run until Thursday December 17th at Noon (Pacific Time) and then the entry with the most votes will WIN (after some scrutiny and validation of course)!

    That’s it! Pretty easy right? Well, I hope that you have fun with this. It is a pretty great machine that I’m giving away and, like I said, I wish that I could have kept it. But, I know that it will make someone happy for the holidays.

    HTD says: Put on your creative hat and get working on that entry!

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