iPhone: Jailbreaking 1.1.2 iPhone firmware DID NOT WORK FOR ME!

What started out as what I had hoped to be a relatively pain-free process has made me wince with TONS of pain. Listed below is what I TRIED to do to get my iPhone jailbroken on 1.1.2. IT DID NOT WORK FOR ME! Others may have had success, I did…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
November 12, 2007

What started out as what I had hoped to be a relatively pain-free process has made me wince with TONS of pain. Listed below is what I TRIED to do to get my iPhone jailbroken on 1.1.2. IT DID NOT WORK FOR ME! Others may have had success, I did not. It could have been that I’m on Leopard and running iTunes 7.5 and using a beta of iNdependence but despite my best efforts, I have [sigh] failed. What I have listed below are the steps that I have taken to only fail in the end. I am posting this to show users how something can go wrong. Bottom line, just read this but don’t do it (yet).

Broken iPhone

UPDATE 11.12.07 @ 10:45 PM – I got it to work. I have posted my steps here.

I decided to hold off on installing 1.1.2 on my jailbroken iPhone until there was an “easier” process to do this. Since it seems like the iPhone developer community is getting better and better at this, the time I have to wait has become much shorter. Here is the process that I followed to get to the latest iPhone firmware released by Apple. First, here is my environment and associated files:

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  • iPhone running Firmware 1.1.1 (3A109a) with Jailbreak in place and 3rd party apps installed
  • iPhone modem firmware version 04.01.13_G
  • iPhone activated through AT&T
  • iTunes (Mac) version 7.5 (19)
  • iPhone Firmware 1.1.2 downloaded (160 MBs) here called “iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw”
  • 1.1.2 Jailbreak application (download here) – note this is Intel-only right now for Mac
  • OktoPrep (version 1.0) installed on iPhone
  • libreadline.5.2.dylib (download here) installed into /usr/local/lib
  • Restore version of Apple iPhone firmware 1.1.1 is here called “iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw”
  • iNdependence (I used 1.3b2 and installed the appropriate MobileDevice framework located here) located here

IMPORTANT: I suggest that your READ THROUGH all of my post before attempting this. It did NOT go as smoothly as expected and I had to downgrade to firmware 1.1.1 again to redo which FAILED. In fact, I am now at 1.1.2 on a NON-jailbroken iPhone!!!!

The steps to follow (specifically for the environment listed above):

  1. If when you connect to iTunes, you do not get prompted to install 1.1.2, you should first download it (see link above)
  2. Download the 1.1.2 Jailbreak application (link above)
  3. Within the 1.1.2 Jailbreak directory, there is a README.TXT file. Be sure to read through that because it outlines other steps to do this if your environment is different. You MUST have a Jailbroken iPhone in order to do this.
    Jailbreak files
  4. Install OktoPrep (within the AppTapp iPhone application installer under the “Tweaks 1.1.1” section:
  5. Connect your iPhone to your Mac (or PC but instructions here are for a Mac) and update your iPhone to Firmware 1.1.2 using iTunes. (If it doesn’t show as an update, hold the OPTION key (on Mac) and click the “Check for Update” button and select the 160 MB file you downloaded in Step 1.
    1. iTunes goes through a verification process
    2. Then a “prepare for update” process
    3. Then an “updating iPhone software” process
    4. Then a “verifying updated iPhone software” process
    5. Then an “updating iPhone firmware” process
    6. Then the iPhone restarts and reconnects to iTunes
    7. It “Waits for activation” and then activates
  6. Quit iTunes.
  7. Once you have Firmware 1.1.2 installed, you need to re-Jailbreak the phone. On your Mac, launch the “osx” application within the “1.1.2-jailbreak” folder.
    1. Note: at this point, I received an ERROR in the Mac Terminal application stating “Unable to access jarfile jailbreak.jar”
    2. After quick analysis of the “osx” file, I saw that it only contained the following command “java -jar jailbreak.jar”. So, I figured there was a permission issue and it needed to be installed with higher permissions.
    3. I opened Terminal and navigated to the “1.1.2-jailbreak” folder and typed: “sudo java -jar jailbreak.jar” which means that the application would run as a root user. When you do this, you are prompted for your administrator password. Enter it and you will hopefully get the following screen:
      Jailbreak #1
    4. Click the “Jailbreak!” button. Note: at this point, I got an error:
      Jailbreak #2 error
    5. So, I figured that I needed to have clicked “Install SSH”. I quick the Jailbreak application that was running and relaunched using the steps above. Unfortunately, that had no result for me. The suggestion was to restart my computer.
    6. After a restart, I still got the error. So then I deleted my SSH keys on my Mac. That TOO did nothing to fix the error.
    7. Then I installed “libreadline.5.2.dylib” into my /usr/local/lib” directory and re-ran the update utility and received the following error:
      Jailbreak #3 error #2
    8. WTF! I did install OktoPrep….hmm. So, my options are to downgrade to 1.1.1, jailbreak again and go through the process again. I will start a new list on how I did that below.

How to restore to firmware 1.1.1 from failed 1.1.2 Jailbreak.

  1. Download the restore file version 1.1.1 (listed at top of page)
  2. Sync up all of your info with iTunes and get your Photos off.
  3. Set your device into recovery mode by holding down the Power button and the Home button, release the Power button as soon as the iPhone screen goes black during reboot. iTunes should detect that you are in recovery mode.
  4. Option-click the Restore button and select the 1.1.1 firmware file: iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw
  5. When Error #1015 occurs, launch iNdependence 1.3b2 and let it sit for a few minutes. Note:
    1. If you have installed iTunes 7.5, you should use the beta version of iNdependence, otherwise you have to downgrade your iTunes. Follow the steps on the README of that version so that you can install the MobileDevice framework 7.4.2 into iNdependence. Steps are below:
    2. Copy iNdepedence to your harddrive
    3. Run the “iNdependence MobDev Tool” application. If you get a prompt that says you have the correct version of iTunes, skip to step #9 below. Otherwise:
    4. Copy the MobileDevice framework (link at top of this post) to your iNdependence folder.
    5. Select the location of that framework folder in the MobDev tool
    6. Select the location of iNdependence
    7. It copies all of the appropriate files
    8. Exit iTunes (which is probably whining a bit)
    9. Launch iNdependence and let it go through it’s process. You should suddenly get iTunes to pop up and you will have to copy all of your files back to the iPhone
  6. ONCE YOU HAVE DOWNGRADED TO 1.1.1, Go to http://www.jailbreakme.com/ on your iPhone to Jailbreak and install the installer.
    Note: I got stuck in a “Waiting for Activation” state and this is where I got stuck FOREVER.
  7. Go back to the top of this post and go through the process AGAIN.

I just love how this process just seems to be simple at first read, and then goes in random directions. If Apple would just hurry up and get an easy way to put Applications on to the iPhone, we wouldn’t have to go through these processes. I know, February is just around the corner but man, this is just NOT fun any more.


HTD says: I really hoped this worked for you. It did NOT work for me. Feel free to post questions/comments and let me know YOUR experience!

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