iPhone: AppTapp Installer 3.0b3 released

The NullRiver folks have released a new version of AppTapp Installer for the iPhone. I have just installed version 3.0b3 and I must say that it was a needed upgrade. The number of apps have grown so much that there was the definite need to reorganize how they were structured.…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
October 19, 2007

The NullRiver folks have released a new version of AppTapp Installer for the iPhone. I have just installed version 3.0b3 and I must say that it was a needed upgrade. The number of apps have grown so much that there was the definite need to reorganize how they were structured. So without further ado, here are the new/change features (with screenshots).

Note: This update is NOT to be confused with the installer.app that is used to Jailbreak your 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 iPhones. This is the application that resides on your iPhone that lets you install applications you download over the air. Also, proceed with caution as I’m starting to read that there might be some issues with this.

  • New bottom tabs – Featured, Install, Update, Uninstall & Sources
  • Featured – So the newest thing here is “Featured which displays a welcome screen with information about the release. I have a feeling that this spot could be used for “featuring” a particular application in detail (e.g., paid-for spot or sponsor)

    AppTapp Featured

  • Install – has now been reorganized to show the Categories as Directories, as opposed to just headers and scrolling one long list. Now, you select a Directory category and then the applications are contained therein, thus eliminating the need to scroll endlessly through ALL of the apps.There is also the nice addition of “Recent Packages” which then is broken down into “Today,” “Yesterday” and “Older”

    AppTapp Install #1

    AppTapp Install #2

  • Update – no real significant changes here that I have noticed (yet)
  • Uninstall – no real changes. This is similar to the older single scroll list that the install section used to have.

    AppTapp Uninstall

  • Sources – this area has been slightly redesigned. When you install this new version, you will get an update for community sources update. In this update you will see specific mention to firmware 1.1.1 as the AppTapp Official Source. This is where you REFRESH your sources to see if you have new versions of your installed applications.

    AppTapp Sources #1

    Clicking Edit lets you remove particular sources.

    AppTapp Sources #2

  • Program Info – this has been changed ever so slightly to include a better presentation of the data, including now the ability to contact the developer directly on some apps. Clicking on Contact launches an email message to the developer with the subject pre-populated.

Seems to me that it is a pretty solid release. I did notice that the refresh of the Sources was a bit slower than before. I will continue to monitor that. Other than that, I would be sure to upgrade to this (or later) versions soon.

HTD says: Git yer AppTapp Installer 3 installed!

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