Vacations, Teddy Bears, Breathalyzers and Pictographs – “Back From Vacation” Cast of Dads Podcast #30

We took a week or so off to enjoy time with our families and get ready for the start of the school year. But once we all got back on the phone this week, we definitely had a LOT to talk about in our latest Cast of Dads podcast #30,…

We took a week or so off to enjoy time with our families and get ready for the start of the school year. But once we all got back on the phone this week, we definitely had a LOT to talk about in our latest Cast of Dads podcast #30, “Back From Vacation“.


Note: we are always looking for sponsors! If you would like to sponsor an individual episode or a series of episodes, please do let us know.

We packed a lot of topics and subjects into the 35 minutes we spent talking. The full list is below. But here are some questions that we answer on the show:

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  • Where and what did CC do on vacation?
  • Is SpongeBob on a cave wall somewhere?
  • Which dad carries a stuffed animal when they travel?
  • What do Kenmore and Intel have in common?
  • Why is it good to get a pocket breathalyzer?
  • What are some good designated driver techniques?
  • What is making Daddy Brad so dang happy?

Also, please be sure to read about Colin Bower and his quest to get his children (Noor & Ramsay) home. It’s a tragic story that people should learn about. We are all hoping for a happy ending to this story and we believe that by spreading awareness of it, it will indeed end happily. It also makes you think about how important the family unit is and about protecting it at all cost!

The Topics

Here are the topics we covered in Episode 30:

The Audio

As always, the full podcast is available on and on iTunes. You can also listen to the podcast below:

Cast of Dads – Episode #30 “Back From Vacation”

Requesting Feedback

If you have questions or ideas for topics that you would like us to cover (remember, between all of us we have 13 children ranging from newborns to young adults), just send us an email to [email protected] or tweet us at @CastofDads! Also, our podcast listener base is growing! If you are interested in sponsoring our podcast for an episode or a month, be sure to contact us!

If you are interested in sponsoring this podcast, please leave a comment on the Cast of Dads site, send an email to castofdads@gmailcom or leave a question/comment on my Contact form.

Cast of Dads is a group of podcasting and blogging dads who gather to gab about fatherhood. The cast of dads includes C.C. Chapman , Jeffrey Sass , Max Kalehoff , Michael Sheehan , and Brad Powell, who collectively represent 13 kids from the youngest of babies to full grown adults. Each of them brings a unique perspective to being a father.

HTD says: What was your favorite topic in this episode? Leave a comment and let us know!