Fixing a Honda Odyssey Automatic Sliding Door

I’m going a bit away from my usual tech talk on this one but still, it points to how truly information packed, the Internet is. We had a deep freeze last night, rain and then below freezing temperatures. Most of the Country is experiencing that now…but here in California, it…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
January 17, 2007

I’m going a bit away from my usual tech talk on this one but still, it points to how truly information packed, the Internet is. We had a deep freeze last night, rain and then below freezing temperatures. Most of the Country is experiencing that now…but here in California, it is a bit rare to go below freezing (especially in my area). Anyway, as my wife was trying to get the kids off to school, she discovered that our 2001 Honda Odyssey (the “mommy mobile”) power sliding doors decided not to work anymore. The “door” light was lit, indicating an error of some sort.

Armed once again with the power of Google (as well as “unrelatedly” telling my kids that on the Internet, “you can find out anything about anything”), I searched for “2001 honda odyssey doors won’t open” and the first hit had the answer. Here is what fixed it, and I will quote (with a little editing):

1.) Disable the power door switch on the left dashboard.
2.) Remove fuse #13 for 30 seconds or more from the passenger side fusebox. This will reset the door and the clock. Fuse box is located under the front passenger leg area.
3.) Manually open and close both sliding doors.
4.) Restore the power door fuses located under the front passenger leg area.
5.) Enable the power door switch on the left dashboard.
6.) Try opening the sliding doors.

I must admit that I did skip step #3 (which I think is just there for you to do something while you wait the 30 seconds. Anyway it works flawlessly! I probably saved myself a couple hundred $$$ at the dealer for a “diagnostics.” But more importantly, I saved my wife a lot of inconvenience and got the school drop-off routine back to norm.

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For those interested, the thread where I found the fix is here.

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HTD says: There is always a fix out there, you just have to find it and share it with others!

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