IQ Test

A coworker sent me a link (and his results) to an IQ test online. It is called and it claims to be a “Culture Fair” test. According to the site, the test “minimises the effect of cultural variables, such as language, mathematics, etc. The test is based on logic,…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
November 16, 2006

A coworker sent me a link (and his results) to an IQ test online. It is called and it claims to be a “Culture Fair” test. According to the site, the test “minimises the effect of cultural variables, such as language, mathematics, etc. The test is based on logic, but is furthermore designed to test learning capability, memory, innovative thinking and the ability to simultaneously address several problems.”

The test is Flash-based program that takes 40 minutes to run. The answers are not published anywhere. The questions all are around understanding patters as define in examples. You get 2 listed patterns of 3 images (e.g., 1-circle, 2-circles, 3-circles & 1-square, 2-squares, 3-squares) and then 1 incomplete pattern (e.g., 1-triangle, 2-triangles, [BLANK] ). You have to fill in the blank to complete the pattern.

The questions get increasingly difficult as you near the end of the test. I must admit, I was guessing towards the end. I finished my test with about 3 minutes to spare. It is important to do it without any distractions. (My wife called me at one point…but I still stayed within the time…grin!). What were my results? I captured a screen shot below:

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Michael's IQ test results

So with a score of 130…according to the site, I’m borderline insane…I mean Mensa. What will this get me? Well, bragging rights over my coworker (but I’m sure that my other coworkers will beat me out)!

Take the test! Post your results!